
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Ambitions and Wishes

Isn't it funny how almost everyone, as a child wants to become a pilot or an astronaut when they grow up?
Hey, I'm not complaining, I wanted to become a pilot as a child too. In fact, I still sometimes dream of becoming an astronaut.

Ambitions are curious things. Funny how at different stages of life they keep changing.
Somehow the word has lost all it's original meaning. Today Ambition means having and becoming the expensive, luxurious life and being at the high end of the society.
What happened to our values, traditions, and rich (not in terms of money) lifestyle? How did  we forget way we were brought up? I don't know about the later generations, but what happened to ours?
Those little Paras and Mohollas. Big gatherings around courtyards. Playing hide and seek with all the kids in the entire neighborhood. That unforgettable glint in our eyes whenever we heard the ice cream man ring its bell. Everyone drawing with chalks on huge courtyards. What happened to all those little heart warming things that make LIFE?

I know what happened.
Education happened.
Sometimes I feel like the whole purpose of education in this land is to make everyone remarkably average and mediocre. Make everyone the same person. They eat, sleep, talk, work and feel the same way.
Where's the room for individuality?
Did we sacrifice all our aspirations for promises of a high paying desk job?
What if I just want a simple job even after having higher degrees?
At this point comes the paradox of surviving, of social and financial security. But the part I find sad is that everyone just settles for this. After they get a 'job' they just stop fighting for these things.
Today I am saying all this, but I'd hate to find myself in similar situations one day.

I've had enough of this suffocating expectations forcefully posed on us by society. Everyone wants everyone to become a doctor or an engineer. Anyone who speaks out loud about wanting to be otherwise is still, practically a taboo. And I have an immense amount of respect for people that do.
I have already given up a choice which could've made things different for me. And as I continue my studies in architecture, an artsy name for a corporate sellout given the scenario in this country, I am supposed to want to work in a big, corporate firm, magically make loads of money the day I finish my studies and live like rich snob.

I don't want that anymore.
I think I want a simple life now.
I want just enough to sustain myself.
I just want to keep drawing, I don't want anything out of it. I don't want fame, I don't want money from it.
Whatever I get from drawing is a reward.
I don't want a big house.
I just want my house to have a balcony and a lawn in front of it. I want to be able to watch the rain and the stars. I hate the fact that I can't see the night sky clearly because of all these insanitary city lights. I hate the fact that I can't hear the rain clearly without it being interrupted by the sounds of water pumps. I also really want my house to be in the neighborhood i grew up in. The neighborhood my mother grew up in.
I don't want a busy, rush filled life.
Sure, parties, flashy lights and concerts are fun, but only once in a while.
I just want to see my friends everyday. I want to have tea at local, unhygienic tea-tongs with them at the days end and nothing in this world could ever bother me.
I want to visit the banks of Padma everyday.
I want to meet people and know them, know their stories. I don't want pretentious formal hi-hello, I want real conversation. I want to know all the things they have been screaming silently so far.
Meeting people, knowing their stories and going through their layers are the biggest adventure for me.
I want to have an infinite amount of patience and love.
I want to have a heart like a child, brain like an wise old man, and the ethics of a tree.
I want people to love animals as much as they love their lifeless possessions.
I want to see people doing the things they love, without any judgement.
I want to know this world, the very core of it, and all the little treats life offers us every day.

And I still, DEFINITELY want to be an astronaut :)

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