
Monday, July 04, 2011

You've got Hogwarts

So, i was looking for some stuff last night when i came across this song. The tunes are similar to ''All star'' by ''smash mouth''.
Check out the lyrics.

Somebody once told me
His school would not
enroll me
I wished I'd stuck with
Muggles instead
'Cause I'm freaked by the
And I swear a lightning
Was the shape of the scar
on his forehead
The books keep coming
and the films keep
And you thought Star
Wars was a little mind-
Must the whole world be
an H.P. fan?
It's a Sirius pain in the
So much to read! So
much to knock!
Is this virus called
Norwalk or Warlock?
So try every spell you've
been shown
I'd rather be Sorcerer's
Hey now
You've got Hogwarts
You got floo dust - on
Hey now
You've got Wormtail
And your friends are -
Ride that broom till
you're sore
'Cause you put the dumb
in Dumbledore
You've got house elves
with attention disorders
And a one-track mind
that's nine and three
Hey, your mentor just
might be a centaur
And if you've gone mad,
blame Dr. Dementor
That Whomping tree's
got really mean wood
For some good love call
Luna Lovegood
My goblet's on fire! My
butt feels worse!
Sitting through this stuff's
an Unforgivable Curse
Hey now
You've got Hogwarts
And your Crookshanks -
bit me
Hey now
You've got Mudblood
You've got Yule balls -
My name's not Merv
Eat Cornelius Fudge...
I met a male fairy
Who said, Hello, I'm
I guess he'd never heard
about Nair
I said, Witch!
Gimme that snitch!
You little son of a
And your dog's got an
extra pair
Of heads!
The wolves keep howling
and the owls keep owling
There's a vault full of
gold here for J.K. Rowling
Tom Riddle me this:
Would a snake prefer
A bird named Fawkes or a
fox named Fleur?
So Peter's a rat?
Hermione's a cat?
And when it's Snape's
shift will he shape shift?
And is it Cho Chang or
Chang Cho?
I'll never last through the
last show
Hey now
You've got Hogwarts
Tell your hat to - sort me
Hey now
You're a horcrux
And you're uni - corny
All your wands are too
And you put the emo in
Ride those brooms till
you're sore
'Cause you put the dumb
in Dumbledore

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